Healing modalities

Acupuncture & Cupping

Acupuncture is a traditional therapy that has been utilized as a healing modality for thousands of years. It is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and helps to restore balance throughout the various, intersecting energy meridians of the body. Thin needles are inserted at various, specific points across the body to stimulate the Qi, known in TCM as the ‘vital life force’. Inserting needles at the points of energy blockage allows the Qi to flow smoothly throughout the body, thus promoting balance and homeostasis. From a more physical, musculoskeletal perspective, acupuncture encourages blood flow to the needled areas and specific techniques can be used to release trigger points (more commonly known as ‘muscle knots’) and muscle tension. Acupuncture also has known effects on the brain and peripheral nervous system which can lead to an enhanced sense of calm, improved mental wellbeing, and reductions in pain. For these reasons, acupuncture is effective in treating chronic pain disorders, stress and anxiety, mood disorders, insomnia, and can help to improve digestive function, fertility, and hormonal balance.

Cupping is an extension of acupuncture and functions in a very similar fashion. Silicon or plastic cups are placed on various parts of your body using varying degrees of suction in order to stimulate the flow of Qi, improve blood flow, and clear areas of stagnation or blockage. Cupping can be used to help relieve muscle tension, break fascial adhesions, and encourage tissue healing.

Nutritional Medicine (food + Nutraceuticals)

Nutritional medicine helps form the foundations for health. Nutrients from food and nutraceuticals are used to correct nutrient deficiencies, provide building blocks for proper physiological functioning, and provide the nutrients necessary for tissue repair and healing. Obtaining nutrients from good quality, vibrant, whole foods is vital to health but if the required nutritional needs exceed what the diet can provide, we look to nutraceutical supplementation. Nutritional medicine is quite individualized and unique to the individual depending on their particular health status, physiological functioning, vitality, genetics, food allergies/sensitivities/intolerances, stage of life (i.e. pregnancy, high stress), medication use, socioeconomic status, and health goals. In my practice, I utilize food diaries/recalls, food sensitivity testing (IgG), micronutrient testing, and other lab markers to determine what an individual’s specific nutritional needs are. From there, individualized dietary and supplement recommendations are made to support daily functioning and encourage healing.

Botanical Medicine

Botanical medicine, also known as ‘herbal medicine’, truly utilizes the healing power of nature - plants!! Plants have been used as medicine for thousands of years as traditional herbal remedies. Interestingly, many of our modern pharmaceutical drugs have been derived from medicinal plant constituents. For example, salicylic acid which was used to create Aspirin, was originally derived from Salix alba or White Willow bark, a medicinal plant that is still utilized today!

Botanical medicine is a gentle but powerful form of medicine. In comparison to pharmaceuticals, it often acts slower and causes less side effects. Botanical medicine gently nudges your body towards a place of balance. It can be utilized as preventative medicine, to strengthen and nourish tissues and organ systems, to help modulate physiological processes, to calm the nervous system, and to be supportive to the overall healing process.

Botanical medicine can be given in the form of tea (water based extractions), tinctures (alcohol based extractions), food, creams, salves, syrups, and more. Similar to nutritional medicine, botanical medicine is very individualized to each patient’s condition, constitution, and particular preferences. It is an effective healing modality for improving mood, sleep, digestion, immune function, and hormonal balance.

Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle medicine helps build a strong foundation for health. This may include: exercise prescriptions, modifications, or alterations, sleep hygiene and optimization, breathing techniques, stress management skills, building support systems, and any other daily habits or rituals we can incorporate to keep you grounded, calm, healthy, and happy each and every day!


Counselling techniques are incorporated into our visits to ensure that you feel comfortable, heard, and understood. Naturopathic doctors recognize the importance of mental and emotional wellbeing and the role these play in overall health. During visits, we will touch on any mental & emotional factors that may be contributing to your condition and/or are preventing you from achieving vibrant health. Techniques, therapies, and referrals will be provided as necessary to support your mental, emotional wellbeing.

Micronutrient Injections

Micronutrient injections are administered into the deltoid or gluteal region. They are a great tool to correct nutrient deficiencies and support physiological functioning. Micronutrient injections are particularly useful for patients with compromised digestive functioning as the nutrients are able to bypass the digestive tract, thereby increasing the amount absorbed and utilized. B vitamins, either singular or in combination, are a common type of injection offered that can improve energy, treat anemia, and support nerve/brain health.

Telehealth & Virtual Care

We now offer virtual care for your safety and convenience. Connect with me via phone call or video call from the comfort of your own home and get started on your health journey today!